Local Food and Agricultural Systems

ACT JUST projects in this area span both rural and urban food supply, access and distribution issues, gender politics, the effects of "heritagization" of food and the imposition of intellectual property rights, as well as farmers' and peasants' rights to save seeds, protect agricultural diversity, and participate in democratic decision-making about the future of food. 

Seed Sovereignty in Central and Eastern Europe

Researcher: Guntra Aistara 

The politics of gender and climate change in post-neoliberal Nicaragua

Researcher: Noémi Gonda, PhD candidate

Ecological entrepreneurship in the conservation of a peri-urban agrarian landscape  

Researcher: Gerda Jonasz, PhD 2015

Resilience at the margins: Stories of seed practices in the city gardens of Havana City, Cuba

Researcher: Emily Dowding-Smith, MESPOM 2011

Developing Agroenvironmental Policies: Interactions Between Polish People and the State

Researcher: Lenore Ethington, MESPOM 2011